Registration Closed for the Blueprint Challenge (April 2024) 🚫 Waitlist Coming Soon! 📝

Launch & Elevate Your Fingerprinting Business—Time to Dominate!

Registration Closed - No more spots left. But stay tuned for our waiting list opening soon!

We've heard you and are sharing our most closely guarded secrets. This journey of mastery awaits only for the swift and the daring. Don't just dream of success—make it your reality.

Build Your Business Blueprint

  • Start Strong, Grow Smart

Kickstart your entrepreneurial journey by mastering the essentials of establishing your business. This fundamental phase of the challenge equips you with the knowledge to create your business entity, devise a strategic business plan, and understand the crucial aspects of financial and legal readiness. It’s about turning aspirations into actionable plans, ensuring you’re not just dreaming of a successful business—you're laying the groundwork for it.

Expert-Led Transformation

  • Guided Success Pathways

Navigate your path to success under the mentorship of seasoned industry leaders. This challenge transcends traditional lessons by providing personalized guidance tailored to your business's unique challenges and opportunities. It's an immersive mentorship experience designed to equip you with the insights and confidence needed to tackle obstacles head-on and carve your niche in the market.

Immediate Application & Results

  • See Real Change

Witness the transformation of knowledge into tangible success through practical assignments and real-world applications. This final pillar of the challenge emphasizes the importance of action—taking the strategic foundations you've built, the insights you’ve gained from experts, and applying them directly to your business operations. It's about creating visible, impactful change that propels your fingerprinting business forward, marking the culmination of your growth journey with us.

Flexible Pricing Options

Select the plan that fits you best! 🚀

Enjoy identical benefits with either choice, yet unlock a 16% savings by

opting for the upfront payment.Each option is a gateway to your success!

$397 3mo payment plan + $197 setup

Let's embark on this journey together and unlock the success you deserve.

What's Included!

You will be granted access to the industry-leading platform for a 3-month installment plan of $397/mo, plus an on-time setup and onboarding fee to LiveScan AI™ Systems.

  • 3-Month NLSA Membership Access

  • 3-Mo NLSA LiveScan AI Systems Access

$997 One-time Payment + $197 setup

Discover the blueprint to fingerprinting success. Let's shape your future together.

What's Included!

You will be granted access to the industry-leading platform for a one-time payment of $997, plus an on-time setup and onboarding fee to LiveScan AI™ Systems.

  • 3-Month NLSA Membership Access

  • 3-Mo NLSA LiveScan AI Systems Access

$397 3mo payment plan + $197 setup

What's Included!

You will be granted access to the industry-leading platform for a 3-month installment plan of $397/mo, plus an on-time setup and onboarding fee to LiveScan AI™ Systems.



  • 3-Month NLSA Membership Access

  • 3-Mo NLSA LiveScan AI Systems Access

$997 One-time Payment + $197 setup

Discover the blueprint to fingerprinting success. Let's shape your future together.

What's Included!

You will be granted access to the industry-leading platform for a one-time payment of $997, plus an on-time setup and onboarding fee to LiveScan AI™ Systems.



  • 3-Month NLSA Membership Access

  • 3-Mo NLSA LiveScan AI Systems Access

Pro Plan

Get started with our affordable Starter plan, perfect for small businesses.



  • Everything In Unlimited+

  • Saas Mode

  • Email/Phone/ Text Rebilling

  • Single Account - Setup 1 Client Or Use For Your Own Agency

  • Split Testing

  • Advance API Access

Find the Perfect Plan for Your Business

Explore transparent pricing options, feature breakdowns, and select the best value for your investment.


  • Full Online Booking, Pipelines, Social Cal, Website Builder, And More!

  • Nurture & Close Leads Into Customers

  • All The Tools To Capture More Leads

  • Single Account - Setup 1 Client Or Use For Your Own Agency

  • Api Access - Integrate With Anything

  • Unlimited Sub-Accounts

  • Unlimited Contacts & Users

  • Branded Desktop App

  • SaaS Mode

  • Email / Phone / Text Rebilling

  • Split Testing

  • Advanced API Access

  • Agent Reporting

  • AI Conversational Bot


  • Full Online Booking, Pipelines, Social Cal, Website Builder, And More!

  • Nurture & Close Leads Into Customers

  • All The Tools To Capture More Leads

  • Single Account - Setup 1 Client Or Use For Your Own Agency

  • Api Access - Integrate With Anything

  • Unlimited Sub-Accounts

  • Unlimited Contacts & Users

  • Branded Desktop App

  • SaaS Mode

  • Email / Phone / Text Rebilling

  • Split Testing

  • Advanced API Access

  • Agent Reporting

  • AI Conversational Bot

Pro Plan

  • Full Online Booking, Pipelines, Social Cal, Website Builder, And More!

  • Nurture & Close Leads Into Customers

  • All The Tools To Capture More Leads

  • Single Account - Setup 1 Client Or Use For Your Own Agency

  • Api Access - Integrate With Anything

  • Unlimited Sub-Accounts

  • Unlimited Contacts & Users

  • Branded Desktop App

  • SaaS Mode

  • Email / Phone / Text Rebilling

  • Split Testing

  • Advanced API Access

  • Agent Reporting

  • AI Conversational Bot


Sonja Y.

Melissa M.

Dennis R.

Paul A.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who should sign up for the LiveScan Blueprint 90-Day Challenge?

This program is designed for anyone looking to start, scale, and dominate the fingerprinting business. Whether you're a newcomer eager to break into the industry or an established business owner seeking innovative strategies for growth, our challenge offers valuable insights and tools for all levels of experience.

I already have a business in the fingerprinting industry. How will this program benefit me?

The LiveScan Blueprint 90-Day Challenge provides cutting-edge strategies, operational efficiencies, and marketing insights to elevate your existing business. It's about turning your business into a leading name in the fingerprinting sector, emphasizing scaling and maximizing profitability.

How will this program help me if I'm new to the fingerprinting business?

Our program lays the groundwork for newcomers' successful entry into the industry. You'll learn the essentials of setting up your fingerprinting business, from legal considerations to digital marketing strategies, all tailored to help you hit the ground running.

What if I find the program isn't right for me? Can I get a refund?

All sales for the LiveScan Blueprint 90-Day Challenge are final, and no refunds are offered. We encourage potential participants to review the program details thoroughly and reach out with any questions before registering.

What happens if I struggle with the weekly assignments or online sessions?

Our program is designed to accommodate participants at various skill levels and paces. Support is available through group sessions, one-on-one calls (for VIP participants), and direct communication channels for program-related inquiries. We're committed to helping you navigate any challenges you may face.

What are the technical requirements for participating in the program?

Participants will need a stable internet connection, a webcam, adequate lighting, and a laptop or desktop computer. Access to certain online accounts and platforms, such as Stripe and Google My Business, will also be required as the program progresses.

Is there an additional cost for accessing the LiveScan AI Systems platform?

The onboarding fee of $197, included in your registration fee, grants you access to the LiveScan AI Systems platform. This platform is integral to the challenge, offering tools and insights that will be crucial for your business's growth during and after the program.

Can I register my employees for this program?

Due to our Terms of Service, individuals must register themselves for the program. However, we encourage business owners to recommend or sponsor their team members' participation. Businesses looking to enroll multiple team members should contact us for more information on group registration options.

How long can I access the LiveScan AI Systems platform?

Registration for the 90-Day Challenge includes initial access to the LiveScan AI Systems platform. Continued access beyond the program depends on the membership option you choose upon completing the challenge.

Will I need to continue paying for access to program resources after the challenge ends?

After the initial 90-day challenge period, access to certain resources and the LiveScan AI™ Systems platform will require an NLSA Advantage One™ Membership plan. Details will be provided as you near the completion of the program.

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The Oasis of Fingerprinting™